Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Your Re-Solutions for the New Year……or Resolutions as you call it ?????

English is fun sometimes….Word Impossible says I’m possible (this is a common one)….was thinking about some more on similar lines when Re-solutions came to my mind….well we all think and act on making resolutions for the new year. Some common resolutions which are part of our list i.e. in Student’s life are: Beat Procrastination, Quit Smoking, Get up Early, Make a Time Table, Be more Organised, Taking Bath Daily, Make one girlfriend..or maybe two…three, Look after Physical fitness etc etc….this list is a very long one, takes about an hour or so to make it but as the clock strikes 12:00 am on 31st Dec. everything continues as usual, next day is all the same…….Why???.........Ever thought abt it????

I was thinking about this issue that most of us face. Sometimes words speak for themselves, like in case of Re-solutions… How my thinking goes on how this word speaks for itself is like this:

1. First thing to highlight is that the word itself points to the fact that “We know what the solutions to the problems that we are facing are, the need is to re-analyze i.e. to do an analysis of the solutions which we think is “the solution” to our problem. Problems are all the same, need is to look these problems having a new outlook towards them which also means reframing of solutions. This is my personal experience from all the so called “Self-help” stuff that I’ve read in last few years. We all are self help experts, need is to find solutions that suits you the best.

Frame your re-solutions in such a manner that they turn out to be fruitful in achieving the purpose you intend to achieve. Further clarifications are always welcome….

Signing Off
Always Yours

1 comment:

manisha said...

nice........gud to know this thing in that perspective,........